

Muhammad B.
Jia Hao
Yen Tin
Kai Qi
Yi Xuan

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layout made by KELSEY!
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Holy shit. 2 more days till Whistler mountain open. Finally gotta snowboard.

rock n' roll
will survive!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This is pretty random. I write this to demonstrate how random things can get if you are already random. Sometimes when you're not trying to be random but you're maybe a little bit random in your mind. Your mind can play a little trick with you saying you are not random but it is wrong. Well you must be pretty random to let your mind think you are random. You have to try to tell your friends something to make unrandom things random and it will be pretty random. Your friend may not know when to be random so prepare for the worst, he could do the random things you never imagine. Randomness is rate by the mind of yourself and your friends. You must be Pretty RANDOM reading this all to the end.

rock n' roll
will survive!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Woohhh birthday just passed by. it's so fast and now I'm 14~ YEE HA~

rock n' roll
will survive!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mitchell and Alex and I made a song recently. our band is MMA, We had just made our first song and it's rock! The name of the song is Who Am I. here is the rylics,

Who are you?

Who am I?

Who are you?

who am I?oh

Who are you?

Who am I?

Who are you?


Who am I???

I am MAP

Who are you?

Wohh hoeee wohh hoee.

stop kicking me my dear little friend,

stop kicking me my dear little friend,

stop kicking me!hit the little children yo blah blah blah blah


Chicken nuggets chicken nuggets

Pussy magnet Pussy magnet

What what what what?

Chicken nuggets chicken nuggets

what? what? what? what?

Why are you fu**ing kicking me?!

Yo Yo

you here you here! Kicking me here!kicking me here! kicking me here!kicking me here! kicking me here~

rock n' roll
will survive!

Monday, October 19, 2009
NorMal Human Life Like Mine~

Hate gambling but I was once a dealer myself.

Cellphones are irritating but I have one too.

Hate being fat so much, everyone knows, but still orders pig trotters to eat everyday.

Hate when people judge someone by their looks but once I see a star, I'll ask for their signature.

Hate crowds, get fustrated always but if I'm in a pub I'd still dance.

Human life is confusing.

Because the heart is like having something,
though I hate it but want it as well,regardless of whoever.

Hate love which makes me sad,
but I'm still searching,still waiting to find it continuously.

Never learn from the mistake,even though I know, in the end what's in for me.

Hate the love that makes me cry,
but during lonely times,can't carry on if she is not there.

Being alone is not enough,
have to hope for someone to come and break my heart,don't understand why.

Hate dramas but I still watch them all the time.

Hate hot-temperd people but I like boxing as well.

Hate rich people so much, they like to underestimate me,
but last night I just dreamed that I won the lottery.

Hate someone and I'll encounter with them everyday.

Hate people who break an appointment and is always late but I use to be one.

Hate so much when there's hangover in the morning but
when evening falls in, I drink whiskey non-stop, endlessly.

rock n' roll
will survive!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is:
"Whose ass am i kicking baby?"

rock n' roll
will survive!

-When she stares at your mouth:
Kiss her

-When she pushes you or hits you like a dumb-ass cuz she thinks shes stronger than you:
Grab her and don't let go

-When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough:
Kiss her and tell her you love her

-When she's quiet:
Ask her whats wrong

-When she ignores you:
Give her your attention

-When she pulls away:
Pull her back

-When you see her at her worst:
Tell her she's beautiful

-When you see her start crying:
Just hold her and don't say a word

-When you see her walking:
Sneak up and hug her waist from behind

-When she's scared:
Protect her

-When she steals your favorite hoodie:
Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night

-When she teases you:
Tease her back and make her laugh

-When she doesn't answer for a long time:
Reassure her that everything is okay

-When she looks at you with doubt:
Back yourself up

-When she says that she loves you:
she really does more than you can understand

-When she grabs at your hands:
Hold her's and play with her fingers

-When she bumps into you:
bump into her back and make her laugh

-When she tells you a secret:
keep it safe and untold

-When she looks at you in your eyes:
dont look away until she does

-When she says it's over:
she still wants you to be hers

-When she re post's this bulletin:
she wants you to read it

- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything

- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go

- When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you

- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her

-Treat her like she's all that matters to you

- Stay up all night with her when she's sick

- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid

- Give her the world.

- Let her wear your clothes

-When she's bored and sad, hang out with her

-Let her know she's important.

- Don't talk about other girls around her

- Kiss her in the pouring rain

rock n' roll
will survive!